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Why is it so hard to stand up for yourself?

Why is it so hard to stand up for yourself? For one: it’s uncomfortable! It’s nothing you do every day, right? It’s a skill. You’ve gotten pretty darn good at the hundred other things you do daily in your life, whether it’s presenting, making a sales pitch, fundraising, running numbers on that latest proposal. You’ve perfected those skills over time because that’s what you do. But (hopefully) it’s not every day that you have to stand up for yourself. Doing something you’re not used to doing tends to make you comfortable—it’s a natural reaction. It doesn’t matter whether it’s presenting on stage, going to a job interview or heck, doing that headstand in yoga. Now, combine the discomfort of something unusual with the fact that you’re confronting a human being who isn’t treating you with respect—well, that’s more than enough. Strategies for overcoming your workplace bully t. It doesn’t have to be public. You can pull them aside and confront them one to one. For example, if you’re...

When Girls Are Educated.

When girls are educated, everyone benefits. There are many reasons girls do not continue their schooling including poverty or traditions that do not value girls learning. Girls may drop out to marry, because of violence in or around school, or due to cost. Often there are simply no schools for girls to go to, even if they want to continue to learn. We challenge the view that a few years of "basic" education is enough. We believe every girl should be able to receive 12 years of free, safe, quality education.