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Stop the Traffic.

My Urge  :   #STOPTHETRAFFIC I grew up in Nigeria, precisely in Lagos State. So let me tell you a little about growing up in Nigeria . Now, if you were from a home that have infants or children below the age of 10 yeras or let me say that home that has a little bit of luxury, I would not be mincing words that your parents will be able to give you some perks as a child especially in the areas of having a nanny watch over you while your parents are away at their place of work.  The process of getting such caretakers commonly called `House Girl’, is where they go to the rural part of the country and girls who are always at least 99% the available persons for such trafficking. This is due to the fact that we were told that the girls cannot do much at the farms and the best gender to assist in the house help task will always be the female . Let me say this scenario I just painted is usually for one-on-one meetings where you need no middle man to actuall...

Your little girl can be helpful

Everybody knows for sure knows that girls are the cutest thing ever. As they grow up in stature you begin to appreciate how much they were perfected to care for the home. Please note : There is no exception to the rule as we know better that our male children should as well should be involved in chores to reduce the stress for our future wife !! Age group and chores : 2-3 year olds : Throw away the diapers in the trash Pick up toys Keep dirty clothes in the laundry basket 4-5 year olds : Put away toys Sweep kitchen floor with a mini broom ( with your supervison) Clean off table after eating Get the pegs to clip the wet clothes ( where there is no washing machine) A little more from

Valentine that year!!

It was one bright February 14...going down Memory lane........ I was in Secondary school and there was always this fuss about who would get roses or not. I was not expecting anyone either. I remember his name Daniel Chijindu. He offered me a rose and a card or some gift and I quietly returned it back to him without even thinking twice. My mum had sternly warned me about ever receiving gifts from boys and I sure will take to her instructions as always. Today, Daniel and I are still very good friends and we are all happy.  I just wanted to keep this brief . 

Its Her,Period !

In 1992, I was in JSS1 ( first class in secondary school- junior high school). I went  to the rest room during our break time and alas... I saw a blood stain on my panties. Wow !!! I was  utterly in shock as I could not bring my self together on how I did not have any injury whatsoever but there I was with a blood stain on my underwear. I was too scared to tell any one, instead  I took to tears on how I had disappointed my mum. Ignorance they say ; is not an excuse. Good enough, my mum came around often to check me up while I was in boarding house and I had to open up to her that I had blood stains on my panties over the week and I managed to put my self together. Well, all my darling mother could say to me " Never go near a man, the moment you do, you will get pregnant". Looking back today; Haba Mummy, is that all you should have said to me ? Apparently,a sizeable number of Nigerian mums in the nineties found it difficult to properly guide their female chil...

Why is it so hard to stand up for yourself?

Why is it so hard to stand up for yourself? For one: it’s uncomfortable! It’s nothing you do every day, right? It’s a skill. You’ve gotten pretty darn good at the hundred other things you do daily in your life, whether it’s presenting, making a sales pitch, fundraising, running numbers on that latest proposal. You’ve perfected those skills over time because that’s what you do. But (hopefully) it’s not every day that you have to stand up for yourself. Doing something you’re not used to doing tends to make you comfortable—it’s a natural reaction. It doesn’t matter whether it’s presenting on stage, going to a job interview or heck, doing that headstand in yoga. Now, combine the discomfort of something unusual with the fact that you’re confronting a human being who isn’t treating you with respect—well, that’s more than enough. Strategies for overcoming your workplace bully t. It doesn’t have to be public. You can pull them aside and confront them one to one. For example, if you’re...